Hosted by Sports Coach UK at the University of Gloucester, the UKCC Level 4 Conference featured talks from a number of high profile names and gave delegates the opportunity to share ideas and good practice techniques.
Toni Minichiello, who coaches star athlete Jessica Ennis-Hill; Professor Jean Cote, a world leading researcher into sport; and Sports Coach UK's Andy Grant were amongst a range of speakers from across the sporting spectrum.
The event featured a number of workshops, including updates on the latest research, the current thinking behind the process of reflective practice and the challenges of Mentoring in the UK.
Bryan said the two-day event was extremely productive: "It was great to catch up with colleagues who deal with the same issues on a day-to-day basis. We share our approaches to working with high performing coaches and challenge each other to improve what we do.
"There was a brilliant mix of coaches and coach developers in attendance and it's great to get their views. It is clear from the conference that UCLan are performing exceptionally well and changing the practices of coaches."
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